Tuesday, July 10, 2007

HIT LIST for 7/10/07

-Home Run Derby Is Even Lame
Vladimir Guerrero of the Anahiem Angels won the home run derby last night by hitting 17 home runs. Nope, not 17 in the final round, but 17 total home runs over 3 rounds. This was one of the most boring all star events that I have ever seen, until Vlad won and jumped into the arms of a friend. Finally there was some action going on.

-Antoine Walker Robbed Again
Miami Heat forward Antoine Walker was robbed last night as his Chicago home. Police said there were no injuries, but that the crooks got away with a vehicle, cash, and jewelry. This is the second time that Walker has been robbed at gun point since he joined the league. In July 2000, Walker — then a Boston Celtic — was the victim of an armed robbery along with NBA center Nazr Mohammed as they sat in a vehicle at 4:15 a.m., waiting for a restaurant on Chicago's South Side to open. Police said at the time that three men approached and demanded cash and valuables, which included a $55,000 wristwatch. Sounds like Walker had a bit of the drunken munchies, and paid for it big time.

-Dan Patrick Set To Leave ESPN After 17 Years
Dan Patrick who came to fame by hosting the 'Big Show' (Sportscenter) with Keith Olberman has announced that he is leaving the network. Patrick has cut back on the episodes of Sportscenter that he hosts in the last few years, but could always be seen as the studio lead for their NBA coverage and heard on his daily radio show. Patrick was influential in bringing a comedic angle towards sports coverage, often times even cracking himself up on air. He leaves ESPN without a contract or another job to go to: "I didn't leave with something in mind, and that is probably not the best business decision you make," he said. "But I still want to do radio, I love the format and I don't want to do TV like I once did. I said goodbye without exactly knowing where I'm going to say hello to." Dan Patrick was one of the best and we wish him luck. Who knows what the future will hold, but if he wants to come work here, then there is a spot open.

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