Friday, June 22, 2007


US needed a questionable call to advance to the Gold Cup Final over Canada. C'mon guys we can't even beat Canada easily? US Soccer continues to struggle despite all the talk how they are beginning to turn the corner. Being a sports fan, you know your team will inevitably struggle at times, but this is getting ridiculous. This team struggles almost every game they play. I would say it is time to look outside for a coach, but we did that after the World Cup and nobody wanted the job. The outside world looked at the head coaching spot like it were the plague. Can you blame them? Coaching the team is a thankless job, because Soccer is so far down on the national radar, that if they start to win, fans will say 'what took them so long,' and if they keep losing, there will just be 'I told you so's' thrown around.
Here is a recap of the game. (ESPN)

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